Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gainesville, again...

So here i am. in gainesville. again.

it's not that i mind gainesville so much as i mind NOT being someplace else. But i'll deal. i'm going to have to. I put my room together today, and am going to attempt getting a job this week/end. Then it will be non-stop work as I pay off my debt and start to save for the next adventure: tentatively Spain in august.

Kira wants me to come to DC and if i could find some cheap-as rent, i definitely would. But since the goal is to save money, not spend it, I can't do that. Oh well.

Additionally, I may or may not go to vegas in March. We'll see how well the cash is flowing in a few weeks to decide on that. but that would be amaaazing!

here's to the unknown!

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