I looooooove my dive gear!!!! I spent way more than i thought i would, but i so dont care because i love it so much. I got a digital dive computer (i opted out of the wireless, because it kinda weirds me out, I dont totally trust technology I guess.) And i got an awesome BCD and Regulator. Wheeee!!!
I had to rescue a 220lb guy named Luis. That was fun. So exhausting. But definately a good time. And my CPR instructor was suuuuuuuuuper hott. Total girl crush on that guy. I think i found my type!
What else?
I hate flying, and I hate baggage regulations. Why does it cost $150 for a bag that's 2lbs overwieght, and it only costs $50 for an entire second bag. 50lbs is so not enough. Arg.
I'm currently experiencing my layover in LA. I heart my schmoopy. Thanks bran for letting us play with you! We went to yogotango and got me some knock-off pinkberry (heart!) and we went to the tar pits. Zac is such a tourist and i love it. so many dorky pictures. I bought me and the boys some rock candy and now i have a tummyache. In 5 hours i will be on a 20 hour flight to my new home. And then i will be in the future. If you need to know what happens in the world 14 hours from now, i can tell you.
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